Bishop Carroll High School has six choral ensembles, including two award winning vocal jazz ensembles, an auditioned chamber choir, concert choir, touring choir, and ladies choir, all under the leadership of director, Andrea Ciona. Choristers work with many world class clinicians and conductors, through an ongoing partnership with Mount Royal University. John Morgan, director of the Mount Royal Kantorei Choir, has been the choral accompanist at Bishop Carroll for the past ten years, and also regularly coaches the groups as a choral clinician.
Bishop Carroll Choral Ensembles have received local, national and international recognition, including First Place at the Beijing International Music Festival, a first place, and “Best In Class” award at Festival Disney, in Orlando, and Gold Seals at the Calgary Performing Arts Festival. Featured performances have included joint performances with the Calgary Civic Symphony, the Kenyan Boys Choir, the Young Canadians of the Calgary Stampede, the Kantorei Choir, the Mount Royal University Artio Choir, and a special Easter Sunday concert with the choir of Basilica di Sant’Alessio, in Rome.